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New customer paging solution from CST set to fill supermarket trolleys.

Indyme customer help points from CST set to fill supermarket trolleys A new advance in retailing technology promises to ensure supermarkets generate extra sales by getting staff to customers at that crucial moment when purchasing decisions are made. It converts ‘might buy’ into ‘will buy’ whilst improving staff efficiency and boosting profits.

The new Indyme system, distributed exclusively in the UK by Call-Systems Technology, is based around ‘Customer Help-Points’ that are strategically located around the supermarket where shoppers may need assistance prior to purchasing. For example, in lifting heavy bags from shelves, enquiring about extra stock or alternative brands. Customers simply press a button on the intelligent Help-Point which alerts staff that assistance is needed.

It’s difficult for supermarkets to maintain a significant store presence for this type of enquiry without a costly increase in extra staffing levels. Indyme manages the moment when customers need that little bit of extra assistance before committing to a purchase. The system instantly alerts staff in a variety of ways – via recorded or live PA systems, radios or text pagers.

But there’s far more to this innovative system than just a paging button – it’s a button with brains! Not only does the Help-Point summon assistance, it also gathers vital data, enabling management to analyse staff response and shopper behaviour patterns. This valuable information helps serve the customer more effectively, streamline operations and increase sales.

The Customer Help-Points fit in perfectly with supermarket design. High intensity LEDs make them clearly visible and overlays allow supermarkets to customise the boxes with their own company branding or special product promotions.
"The whole Indyme solution is geared to help supermarkets get a real insight into what their customers want," says Ashley Sheppard, Sales Director at Call-Systems Technology. "Not only does it improve sales and customer satisfaction, but it gives managers the tools to better understand staffing and store layout by analysing response patterns with the intelligent enterprise software."

When the button is pressed a signal is sent wirelessly to an appropriate member of staff telling them the location of the shopper. Meanwhile a recorded voice message in the box can assure the shopper that help is on the way. It can also promote any special sales or sponsored brands.

Indyme can deliver extra analytical power with Enterprise Manager, the optional suite of back office reporting tools. This helps management to see trends in store performance, such as where customers are more likely to need assistance and if it would be helpful to reallocate staff.

Ashley Sheppard adds "With Indyme, in-store teams can bring help quickly and discreetly, boosting sales and keeping customers happy, However, it’s the brains behind the help button that will significantly impact on business and profits.”
For UK purchase, the Indyme system is available exclusively from Call-Systems Technology. It has proven to be a huge success internationally and is already being used by leading supermarket chains and other retail groups.

For details freephone Call-Systems Technology on 0800 389 5642, email the company at or visit the CST website

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Call-Systems Technology (CST) supplies an award-winning range of specialist communications and software products for the UK retail and hospitality industries. The company has introduced many technology innovations which have enhanced service and improved efficiency, helping businesses to satisfy their customers and increase their profitability.  
CST provides solutions in every sector of the market, including shopping centres and department stores, hotels and conference centres, stadia, bars, restaurants, schools and hospitals.

To see Indyme in action watch this link .

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