African charity thanks Norfolk for best ever fund-raising week

Hospice Ethiopia UK’s three campaigns deliver pre-Christmas cheer to thousands

A Norfolk-based charity raised over £14,500 in just one week to break its own fund-raising record and bring hope to thousands of desperate patients in Ethiopia.  “Most of the money we raise comes from the people of Norfolk, and I can’t thank them enough,” says Sue Mumford, chair of Hospice Ethiopia UK.  “Their generosity in the run up to Christmas will help us pay the wages of the nurses who work for the hospice, going out into Addis Ababa to care for patients.”

The week running up to Saturday December 1 was made magical by four fund raising initiatives.  Mary Lamb, wife of North Norfolk MP Norman Lamb, held an open house event that raised nearly £3000.  By kind permission of the Bishop of Norwich, Graham James, and his wife, the charity hosted a bridge event in the Bishop’s Palace that raised nearly £1500.  And in the same week, Hospice Ethiopia took part in the Big Give Challenge, which raised over £10,000 in donations.  To top it all off a North Norfolk greengrocers, S&M Brett or Aylsham, raised £535 for the charity with a raffle.

Typical of Norfolk’s generosity was the astonishing £3000 raised by Mary Lamb’s open house – three times the original target!  The Lambs became aware of Hospice Ethiopia UK through Sue Mumford who, in her role as a nurse at Norwich’s Priscilla Bacon Hospice, helped care for Norman’s mother. After discovering more about the charity, which raises funds for the only hospice in Ethiopia, Mary wanted to help.

“The Hospice is transforming the lives of hundreds of desperate people,” says Mary.  “Just as importantly, the training it offers to hundreds of medical professionals is bringing relief to thousands of people across Ethiopia.

“Despite the wonderful work it is doing, Hospice Ethiopia receives no government funding – it relies completely on donations.  That’s why I wanted to do something to help.”  Hospice Ethiopia UK is the Norfolk-based charity raising funds for the hospice, which is based in Addis Ababa.

For more information contact Hospice Ethiopia UK by email,, or via the website, or find us on Facebook.






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