Celebrate the superheroes of the kitchen and help Winterhalter raise money for charity
The second National KP Day takes place on 22nd June 2016. On the one hand, it’s a chance to thank kitchen porters for their hard work, celebrate their important role in the catering industry and have a bit of fun along the way. At the same time it’s an opportunity to help warewashing specialist Winterhalter raise up to £1000 for Springboard, the charity that helps disadvantaged people find work in the catering industry.
“The first National KP Day was amazing,” says Stephen Kinkead, managing director of Winterhalter UK. “Chefs and managers from every part of the UK took part, putting the spotlight on their KPs. There were loads of great pics on Twitter – people had a lot of fun.”
Winterhalter is once again inviting operators, managers or chefs to tweet photographs of their KPs, using the hashtag #kpday. For each of the first 1,000 pictures, Winterhalter will donate £1 to the Springboard charity.
“It’s simple: take a pic on your smartphone, then tweet it using #kpday – maybe adding a comment or two, if it takes your fancy!” says Stephen.
All photographs will be uploaded to a gallery on the KP of the Year Awards website, www.kpoftheyear.com.