Companies considering exhibiting should contact CESA as soon as possible
CESA has been successful in obtaining fifteen exhibitor grants of £1,500 each for the Host Exhibition in Milan, from the 23rd to 27th of October 2015. Host is Europe’s largest and most important catering equipment show, with over 133,000 trade visitors and 1,700-plus exhibitors.
The grants are funded by UK Trade & Investment and are primarily available to SMEs looking to export products manufactured in the UK. However, companies who are adding significant value to a non-UK product, or who can demonstrate that by exhibiting they are providing tangible benefit to the UK economy, can also put in for a grant.
“Obviously a variety of terms and conditions apply,” says Keith Warren, director of CESA, “but we can help guide companies through the process.”
Any catering equipment manufacturer looking to submit an application for the grant needs to do it via CESA, which is the UKT&I’s Accredited Trade Organisation (ATO) for the industry. The Association has considerable experience in helping companies gain funding for promotional activities to aid export sales.
“The grants are available to companies who have not yet booked space at Host, but are considering it,” says Warren. “Catering equipment manufacturers who are not members of CESA can also apply, but they need to do it through CESA.”
For more information and application forms contact CESA by email,, phone on 0207 7933029, or via the website,
For information on the Milan show visit
The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 170 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment – from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit