Catering equipment leaders agree to join forces to tackle critical issues
October 22, 2015, Milan
Catering equipment manufacturers all around the world are tackling critical problems that will have a huge impact on the foodservice industry. Sustainability, training, energy labelling, customer care – these are global issues and now the leading international catering equipment trade associations have agreed to work more closely together to tackle them.
The next step in developing closer relations, and common solutions to the issues, will be the inaugural Foodservice Equipment & Supplies Global Leadership Summit. It takes place on Thursday, October 22, 2015, in Milan, Italy, prior to the opening of the HOST Exhibition, October 23-27.
The three associations leading the development of the event are EFCEM, the European Federation of Catering Equipment manufacturers, of which CESA is a member; NAFEM, the North American Federation of Foodservice Equipment Manufacturers; and NAFES, the National Association of Food Equipment and Suppliers, which covers Australia and New Zealand.
“By sharing knowledge, experience, resources, expertise and learning, we can help each other, and our industry, to meet the common challenges we all face,” says Simon Frost, chair of CESA. “The knowledge database we will be able to generate will be valuable and relevant to the industry at large and our members locally.It is expected that there will be some hard edged outcomes that will benefit our industry internationally and at local level, this is an exciting new development for all concerned. ”
The Global Summit will also cover areas such as water and installation standards, Building Information Modelling, supply chain relationships and customer service. The meeting will be facilitated by Doug Fryett CFSP, a leading foodservice industry consultant and CFSP program trainer.
As well as leaders from the three international associations, it is expected that representatives from various national catering equipment trade associations, including CESA, will attend the Summit.
Invitations have been sent to chairmen/presidents and general secretaries of the following organisations:-
AMAIT – Mexico
APIRAC – Portugal
BFS – Sweden
CECED Italia – Italy
EFCEM – Europe
FCSI Worldwide, America, EMEA & Asia Pacific
FELAC – Spain
HKI – Germany
IFSA – Ireland
JFEA – Japan
NAFES – Australia
SYNEG – France
TUSID – Turkey
Members of CESA who wish to raise specific questions at the Summit should contact the association. Confirmation of the venue and a detailed agenda will be available shortly.
The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the UK catering equipment industry, representing over 170 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment – from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit