CESA Offers A Platform For Growth:

The CESA Conference 2012, in association with the BHA and the FCSI

November 15th – 16th, Whittlebury Hall, Towcester, Northants.

The theme of this year’s CESA conference is A Platform for Growth. The economic situation is a curate’s egg for many caterers and suppliers: good in parts.  On the one hand, for many businesses the recession, though painful, has made less impact than expected, with the London Games playing a part.  On the other, public sector cuts and slow growth figures, not to mention worries about the EU, mean that the future is uncertain. 

“The 2012 event, as in previous years, will mix insights into the industry’s future with the contentious, the fascinating and the outrageous, plus it will be an opportunity to network with 200 foodservice professionals,” says Keith Warren, director of CESA. 

The involvement of the FCSI and, more recently, the BHA, reflects the conference’s broadening appeal.  It now attracts a varied cross section of the industry, with delegates including manufacturers, distributors, consultants and catering operators. 

Headline speakers for 2012 include Rohit Talwar and Sir Garry Hawkes CBE. 

Rohit Talwar led the futures and horizon-scanning programme for the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).  An entrepreneur, specialist advisor and founder of the research and consultancy organisation Fast Future, he was hailed as one the ‘top ten global future thinkers’ by The Independent newspaper.  He’ll look at sustainability issues facing foodservice businesses and the opportunities for the equipment supply chain.

Sir Garry Hawkes CBE is the former chair and chief executive of Gardner Merchant, a director of THF Plc and director general of Sodexo Group. He is president of Edge Foundation and a board member of the Academy of Culinary Arts and chair of First4Skills.  His presentation on the skills gap will look at ways the hospitality industry is developing ‘professionalism.’ He will also address the issues facing the market as a result of the economic crisis.

Conference facilitator Tanya Beckett is one of the most experienced business journalists on British TV.  Currently a regular on BBC2’s Newsnight, as well as BBC World and News 24, she brings a wealth of business knowledge and experience to the event. 

Vote on sustainability

A major highlight will be the presentation of results from the joint industry Mind the Gap research into sustainability.  Delegates will get a unique insight into what they can do to position themselves for the future. They will also have the opportunity to shape the discussion and content of some of the presentations, via the use of interactive voting terminals. 

Optional networking events at the Conference include golf at Whittlebury Park, rallying at Silverstone and an informal dinner on Thursday 15th November.  At the Gala dinner on Friday 16th the FCSI Sustainable Catering Equipment Award and the Caterer and Hotelkeeper/CESA Outstanding Service to the Industry Award will be presented.

The cost to attend the conference starts from £200 for a day delegate.  For more information visit www.cesa.org.uk 

The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 160 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment – from utensils to full kitchen schemes.  For more information on CESA visit www.cesa.org.uk

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