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The Troublesome Two

TPW is presently undergoing intensive staff-training in its Canine Department.

Poppy, TPW’s current Head of Security, has shown some promising skills in guarding and protecting the unit, but has a bad habit of nibbling at her co-workers ankles.

Feeling that the demands of her job were too much to face alone, TPW has hired Spencer as co-Head of Security. Spencer has shown promise, excelling in obedience training and soft-cuddly-cuteness, often making his butch and intimidating work-partner jealous and all the more reluctant to share jobs.

However, Spencer’s strong admiration for Poppy is becoming a liability. He is easily distracted from his duties, reluctant to respond when his boss calls his name and at times he even shares a bed with Poppy, a risky scenario for colleagues in any workplace.

Both Poppy and Spencer’s fondness for chewing at TPW’s electronic equipment is another worrying habit that may end both of their contracts somewhat prematurely.

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