Foodservice Equipment Marketing’s new Hamilton Beach HBF600 food blender chops, grinds and purees food.
It is often difficult in a commercial kitchen to find a blender that can keep up with a chef’s needs. The demands of a busy kitchen can be too much for most food blenders, causing them to burnout, especially when doing back-to-back batches. Foodservice Equipment Marketing (FEM) now supplies the new Hamilton Beach food blender that provides a heavy-duty commercial performance specifically designed to prevent motor burnout.
Unlike most food blenders, FEM’s Hamilton Beach blender provides operator feedback using coloured lighted indicators so the user can see the motor temperature whilst blending. If the temperature begins to rise to a dangerous level, the speed can be adjusted accordingly so that blending can continue without causing damage to the machine.
“This allows the operator to start very slow and then ramp up according to need and recipe,” says Mark Hogan, sales director at FEM. “So things traditionally made in a food processor can now be prepared with the HBF600, without damaging the blades or causing motor burnout.”
The blender is simple to use with a one-touch function and its 3HP motor chops, grinds and purees to a chef’s exacting high standards. The patented wave action continually forces mixture down into the blades, keeping the ingredients circulating and ensuring the contents are thoroughly mixed and blended.
The 64oz container is break-resistant and includes a lid-mounted, slow-release dosing cup so that ingredients can be added while the blender is in action. For safety, and to prolong motor life, a pad sensor prevents the motor from starting unless the container is mounted correctly.
FEM Hamilton Beach Commercial Kitchen recipe
Fresh Garden Salsa
4 small peppers (sweet or hot)
700gm of whole stewed tomatoes (in their own juices)
1 large red onion, quartered
1 large orange bell pepper, quartered
Fresh garlic to taste
4 Italian tomatoes, quartered
Juice of one lime
110gm of fresh coriander
5 purple basil leaves
Salt and pepper to taste
Place all the ingredients in order into the blender starting with the peppers on the bottom and the fresh Coriander and basil on top. Put the speed knob on one and press the chop function. Slowly increase the speed to five. Press stop when the desired consistency is reached.