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Popular Paston: Apply Early

Academic success, improved transport links and a change in start time have generated unprecedented interest in North Norfolk’s Sixth Form College

Paston students in North Walsham This September was a record-breaker for Paston Sixth Form College: 760 students represent the College’s highest ever enrolment, 10% up on 2009. 2011 is already shaping up to be even better, and Paston is advising Year 11 students to apply early to avoid disappointment.

“We’ve had unprecedented numbers attending our open events for students looking to enrol in 2011,” says College Principal Peter Mayne. “For the taster day in October half term we had 400 applicants, over 20% up on last year.” The next event is an information evening for parents of prospective students, on Tuesday December 2.

Mr Mayne puts the surge in interest in Paston down to three factors. “The key reason is the academic success that the College has enjoyed over the past few years, which puts it well into the top 10% of sixth forms nationally,” he says. The government’s latest CVA (contextual value added) league table shows that Paston is Norfolk’s top performing sixth form.

Improved transport links have also made a significant impact. “We have been committed to a policy of encouraging sustainable travel for several years,” explains Mr Mayne. “Attracting more students from a wider catchment area highlighted the issues and we’ve worked hard with the train and bus companies to make transport easier.

“That work has really paid off,” he adds. “For example, at least four times as many students use the train this year as did last. They travel on services which, before September, ran half empty. That’s good for the future of the Bittern Line and it benefits the environment, too.” The success of the scheme was recognised in September when Paston, with National Express, was shortlisted for the national Community Rail Awards.

The third element is the change in the College start time. As of September 2010, Paston’s first lesson has started at 9.05am, which is 20 minutes later than before. “Students and parents are becoming more discerning about post-16 education,” says Mr Mayne. “We passionately believe that all students should have the option of attending a sixth form college if they want to: the later start helps students from further afield.”

The combination of new transport links and College start time have encouraged students from as far away as Wymondham, Attleborough and Diss to attend open events with a view to coming to Paston in 2011.

Students and parents who are interested in finding out more about Paston Sixth Form College, or who would like to come to the open event on December 2, should visit or call 01692 402334.

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