Six Of The Best Hot Cupboard Modifications:
Moffat looks at the variety of options and accessories available to customise the hot cupboard
The hot cupboard maybe a kitchen workhorse but it’s no ‘one trick pony’. There are loads of options and accessories to ‘max up’ commercial hot cupboards to make them work harder and better. So says catering equipment company E & R Moffat, one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of hot cupboards.
Here are Moffat’s ‘six of the best’ ways to modify the hot cupboard:
Bains marie – keeps your food in pans on top of the cupboard at 80 – 90C.
Dry bains marie – just like a wet well version, but without the problems of limescale.
Over-shelves – ideal as a kitchen servery or a plating-up point, which can be used as a link between kitchen and waiting staff.
Lights – accessorise the over-shelves with quartz heat lamps. They not only look attractive but can also be used to supplement the process of keeping food hot, for example with plated meals.
Gas or electric – hot cupboards don’t have to be electric, there are gas versions available, too, in both natural gas and LPG variants.
Tallboy – if a standard hot cupboard isn’t big enough, then consider buying a ‘tallboy’ version.
According to Moffat, hot cupboards can be tailored to suit every application, whether it’s for a pub, banquet room, school, hotel, hospital or restaurant.
For more information on Moffat’s range of hot cupboards, and to download a brochure, visit