The Publicity Works is a roight local PR agency
Spar is attempting to make wine speak more accessible by using local dialects on its wine labels. Some examples on this website are so hard to understand, unless you are from the local area. Will this kind of thing take off?
If we were to write a bit about The Publicity Works in our local Norfolk dialect it may read something along these lines:
Wotcha bor, Thurr Publicitteee Warks offurs Pee-arr end marrkuttin servuces en bov consooma end Bee2Bee marrkuts. Foundud en 1990, arr roight speshallist teeeam arr en thur know end what know aboot noo, tradishonell end soshall medeah.
Brief translation: The Publicity Works offers PR and marketing services in both consumer and B2B markets. Founded in 1990, our specialist team has extensive knowledge and experience of online, traditional and social media.